JOIN Band or Choir!
Why Should I Join Band or Choir?
Playing music...
Teaches you commitment and responsibility.
Gives you an outlet to express yourself and your emotions.
You don't need to have natural talent to play.
You become part of a community.
Is the same in every language.
Can build your confidence.
Every musical piece has a story- Your story!
Makes you smarter.
Teaches you patience.
Teaches you discipline.
Can seperate you from the crowd, making you unique.
Is one of the most fun and interesting activities you'll ever do!
I'm Interested, but What Group Should I Join?
Beginning Band
No previous musical experience required.
The Beginning Band course is open to all students in all grades who have a strong desire to play a musical instrument. The purpose of this course is to teach students to play a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument. Students will learn to read music, fundamental technique on their instrument, musicianship, listening skills, and learn to collaborate and perform as an ensemble.
This class is a year-long commitment. Students in beginning band perform in both a Winter and Spring mandatory evening concert. A calendar of performances will be given to each student during the first week of school.
Instruments will be assigned to each student based on the abilities of the student, their desire, and the needs of the entire ensemble. Successful completion of this course will prepare the student for placement in the Rio Norte Advanced Band or the Valencia High School Band the following year. Members of the beginning band are encouraged to seek private lessons and grow individually through solo performances and auditioned ensembles.
Advanced Band
The Advanced Band is made up of students who have played a band instrument for at least one year and represents “the premier instrumental ensemble” at Rio Norte Junior High School. Advanced Band offers students the opportunity to extend beyond the beginning levels of instrumental performance and participate in a performing concert ensemble. Given the reputation and the talent level of the advanced band, students are held to higher expectations. The instructional emphasize is on both individual performance technique and the principles of ensemble performance. The Advanced Band performs at school and community events, Winter and Spring evening concerts, Back-to-School Night, Open House, District Honor Band Auditions, professionally adjudicated festivals, and a possible performance at a major theme park. A calendar of required performances will be given to students the first week of school. Members of the advanced band are encouraged to seek private lessons and grow individually through solo performances and auditioned ensembles.
This class is a year-long commitment.
Prerequisites: One full year in beginning band OR one full year of previous musical instruction on a band instrument and director’s approval.
Click HERE to email the director!